Category: Quickie Post

Hey everyone!

I haven’t been able to keep up with my writing load for a few reasons. One of which I don’t feel at liberty to discuss at the moment. Suffice to say, it’s an emotionally draining reason and making it difficult to motivate myself to write more… despite my desire to do so.

I also have 2 big things coming up within the next week that requires a lot of my emotional and physical bandwidth. Those being San Francisco Decompression and Final Fantasy XIV Fan Fest. Decom is the most immediate as it’s on Sunday and Fan Fest is the next weekend. I do plan on writing about my impressions of Fan Fest. I don’t think it will go more than 2 posts (one actual post and one of pictures).

So, a lot of exciting things happening. A lot of things that need to be taken care of before next weekend. Lots of busy, busy, busy.

And I sincerely apologize for it. When I do come back, I promise to have more Comic Con, more short stories (both of them and a special Halloween story) and more other stuff. I have a show that I would like to write about… and some manga to talk about. Also would like to write a piece about Buffy the Vampire Slayer. There’s a lot on the horizon, but first, patience as this next week passes.

Until then!

Hello all!

This week will be interesting, I’ll tell you that.

I will have a new Comic Con post up by Wednesday at latest. I hope to have it all done before the end of the month. I will be reviving my “Not-So-Short-Story” because I’m sure that at least some of you would like to see what happens next. If you’re new to this blog and haven’t checked it out, you will get a chance to.

I also feel remiss in not writing a review of K Project. I watched this series some time ago and I wanted to share the experience with others. I also will be writing a review of Free! as well.

I also may post something personal. I’m not sure how I will manage to pack all of that in to the week, but I’ll try to make it work.

Until later!

Friday Morning

Wait, a post on Friday?

And so early on a Friday?

That’s right. Early posting on Friday. Why you may ask (or might not, but I’m going to answer it anyways)?

Well, I’m taking a week off at the end of the month for my birthday. That also means that I will not be blogging on the day of my birth.

But why early? Don’t you usually have Fridays off?

I generally do. However, my work is awesome enough to let me work the extra hours to make up for the fact that I’m going to be gone. This is one of the many reasons I love and am thoroughly grateful for my job.

I’m also grateful for the fact that my workplace lets me know they both appreciate me and let me know my worth. This is a first for me… OK second after the cemetery. Most of the jobs that I have worked prior to this didn’t seem to let their employees know that they’re important… or, well, really anything. This is more harmful when you start talking about the retail environment. There are customers out there that seem to revel in making the shop staff feel horrible. In many ways, this is why I go out of my way to not do so when I’m in a store. After all, it’s hard enough to help people all day, the last thing you need is someone making you personally feel bad about not having a particular DVD or shirt or… well, anything.

So, for me, it’s nice to be made to feel that I’m useful. That I’m valued. More importantly, I love that I’m still learning new things. How awesome is that?

New Things

OK, so it’s not so much new things as it’s a new thing. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to fit much new into my schedule as of late… something that makes me quite sad. More that it’s a more different thing.


A large part of that is my ongoing back pain struggle. I’ve been using medication for it, which largely makes me a bit loopy and tired. I’m tired of just treating the issue with drugs though. While for some that might seem like the ideal way to handle it, it isn’t for me.

I tend to be a rolling stone. I don’t like to live a more sedentary life. I like being able to get up and do things instead of sitting in one place. This back pain has really made me, well, a bit depressed (not to mention that I think the medication might also have gluten in it, but that’s a different discussion).

So last night I finally started Pilates.

I knew a little about it from seeing people do it on TV shows. I didn’t know what it was really like, because this is totally new to me.

And it was interesting. It was more of a workout than I was expecting. It was also a lot of fun too. It hadn’t felt like an hour had gone by… and I felt like Jell-O afterwards. That’s right up there with some of the best yoga classes I had done.

I do believe that I might be on the right track to finally being able to deal with back pain. That makes me happy.

Life has once again decided to be momentarily hectic. I’ve been back to interviewing both yesterday and today.

So, unfortunately, I haven’t had the time to write a blog. I do have some (at least I think) interesting topics broiling away in my little brain. I also will continue to post snippets of the short story that I have posted for a few months.

I also bring some additional news. Starting 1.May I will be posting to the new main site at All new posts will first appear there. I will mirror post here as well.

I promise to be back here tomorrow with a brand spanking new post… and I promise this time it won’t be overly long.

Until then… thank you for your continued readership.